
STRIPE_API_VERSION (=‘2017-02-14’)

The API version used to communicate with the Stripe API is configurable, and defaults to the latest version that has been tested as working. Using a value other than the default is allowed, as a string in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.

For example, you can specify ‘2017-01-27’ to use that API version:

STRIPE_API_VERSION = '2017-01-27'

However you do so at your own risk, as using a value other than the default might result in incompatibilities between Stripe and this library, especially if Stripe has labelled the differences between API versions as “Major”. Even small differences such as a new enumeration value might cause issues.

For this reason it is best to assume that only the default version is supported.

For more information on API versioning, see the stripe documentation.

DJSTRIPE_IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_CALLBACK (=djstripe.settings._get_idempotency_key)

A function which will return an idempotency key for a particular object_type and action pair. By default, this is set to a function which will create a djstripe.IdempotencyKey object and return its uuid. You may want to customize this if you want to give your idempotency keys a different lifecycle than they normally would get.

The function takes the following signature:

def get_idempotency_key(object_type: str, action: str, livemode: bool):
    return "<idempotency key>"

The function MUST return a string suitably random for the object_type/action pair, and usable in the Stripe Idempotency-Key HTTP header. For more information, see the stripe documentation.


By default, plans are not prorated in dj-stripe. Concretely, this is how this translates:

  1. If a customer cancels their plan during a trial, the cancellation is effective right away.
  2. If a customer cancels their plan outside of a trial, their subscription remains active until the subscription’s period end, and they do not receive a refund.
  3. If a customer switches from one plan to another, the new plan becomes effective right away, and the customer is billed for the new plan’s amount.

Assigning True to DJSTRIPE_PRORATION_POLICY reverses the functioning of item 2 (plan cancellation) by making a cancellation effective right away and refunding the unused balance to the customer, and affects the functioning of item 3 (plan change) by prorating the previous customer’s plan towards their new plan’s amount.


Used by djstripe.middleware.SubscriptionPaymentMiddleware


  • “(app_name)” means everything from this app is exempt
  • “[namespace]” means everything with this name is exempt
  • “namespace:name” means this namespaced URL is exempt
  • “name” means this URL is exempt
  • The entire djstripe namespace is exempt
  • If settings.DEBUG is True, then django-debug-toolbar is exempt


    "(allauth)",  # anything in the django-allauth URLConf
    "[blogs]",  # Anything in the blogs namespace
    "products:detail",  # A ProductDetail view you want shown to non-payers
    "home",  # Site homepage


Adding app_names to applications.

To make the (allauth) work, you may need to define an app_name in the include() function in the URLConf. For example:

# in
url(r'^accounts/', include('allauth.urls',  app_name="allauth")),


If the AUTH_USER_MODEL doesn’t represent the object your application’s subscription holder, you may define a subscriber model to use here. It should be a string in the form of ‘app.model’.


  • DJSTRIPE_SUBSCRIBER_MODEL must have an email field. If your existing model has no email field, add an email property that defines an email address to use.

Example Model:

class Organization(models.Model):
    name = CharField(max_length=200, unique=True)
    subdomain = CharField(max_length=63, unique=True, verbose_name="Organization Subdomain")
    owner = ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name="organization_owner", verbose_name="Organization Owner")

    def email(self):


If the model referenced in DJSTRIPE_SUBSCRIBER_MODEL is not created in the __first__ migration of an app you can specify the migration name to depend on here. For example: “0003_here_the_subscriber_model_was_added”


If you choose to use a custom subscriber model, you’ll need a way to pull it from request. That’s where this callback comes in. It must be a callable or importable string to a callable that takes a request object and returns an instance of DJSTRIPE_SUBSCRIBER_MODEL


class DynamicOrganizationIDMiddleware(object):
    """ Adds the current organization's ID based on the subdomain."""

    def process_request(self, request):
        subdomain = parse_subdomain(request.get_host())

            organization = Organization.objects.get(subdomain=subdomain)
        except Organization.DoesNotExist:
            return TemplateResponse(request=request, template='404.html', status=404)
            organization_id =

        request.organization_id = organization_id

def organization_request_callback(request):
    """ Gets an organization instance from the id passed through ``request``"""

    from <models_path> import Organization  # Import models here to avoid an ``AppRegistryNotReady`` exception
    return Organization.objects.get(id=request.organization_id)


This callback only becomes active when DJSTRIPE_SUBSCRIBER_MODEL is set.


Setting this to True will make the various dj-stripe JSON fields use django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField instead of the jsonfield library (which internally uses text fields).

The native Django JSONField uses the postgres jsonb column type, which efficiently stores JSON and can be queried far more conveniently. Django also supports querying JSONField with the ORM.


This is only supported on Postgres databases.


Migrating between native and non-native must be done manually.

DJSTRIPE_WEBHOOK_URL (=r”^webhook/$”)

This is where you can set to send webhook response. You can set this to what you want to prevent unnecessary hijinks from unfriendly people.

As this is embedded in the URLConf, this must be a resolvable regular expression.


Webhook event callbacks allow an application to take control of what happens when an event from Stripe is received. It must be a callable or importable string to a callable that takes an event object.

One suggestion is to put the event onto a task queue (such as celery) for asynchronous processing.


def webhook_event_callback(event):
    """ Dispatches the event to celery for processing. """
    from . import tasks
    # Ansychronous hand-off to celery so that we can continue immediately

from stripe.error import StripeError

def process_webhook_event(self, event):
    """ Processes events from Stripe asynchronously. """"Processing Stripe event: %s", str(event))
    except StripeError as exc:
        logger.error("Failed to process Stripe event: %s", str(event))
        raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60)  # retry after 60 seconds

DJSTRIPE_WEBHOOK_EVENT_CALLBACK = 'callbacks.webhook_event_callback'


If set, this sets the base API host for Stripe. You may want to set this to, for example, "http://localhost:12111" if you are running stripe-mock.

If this is set in production (DEBUG=False), a warning will be raised on check.