Source code for djstripe.enums

import operator
from collections import OrderedDict

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

class EnumMetaClass(type):
    def __prepare__(self, name, bases):
        return OrderedDict()

    def __new__(self, name, bases, classdict):
        members = []
        keys = {}
        choices = OrderedDict()
        for key, value in classdict.items():
            if key.startswith("__"):
            if isinstance(value, tuple):
                value, alias = value
                keys[alias] = key
                alias = None
            keys[alias or key] = key
            choices[alias or key] = value

        for k, v in keys.items():
            classdict[v] = k

        classdict["__choices__"] = choices
        classdict["__members__"] = members

        # Note: Differences between Python 2.x and Python 3.x force us to
        # explicitly use unicode here, and to explicitly sort the list. In
        # Python 2.x, class members are unordered and so the ordering will
        # vary on different systems based on internal hashing. Without this
        # Django will continually require new no-op migrations.
        classdict["choices"] = tuple(
            (str(k), str(v))
            for k, v in sorted(choices.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))

        return type.__new__(self, name, bases, classdict)

class Enum(metaclass=EnumMetaClass):

[docs]class ApiErrorCode(Enum): """ Charge failure error codes. """ account_already_exists = _("Account already exists") account_country_invalid_address = _("Account country invalid address") account_invalid = _("Account invalid") account_number_invalid = _("Account number invalid") alipay_upgrade_required = _("Alipay upgrade required") amount_too_large = _("Amount too large") amount_too_small = _("Amount too small") api_key_expired = _("Api key expired") balance_insufficient = _("Balance insufficient") bank_account_exists = _("Bank account exists") bank_account_unusable = _("Bank account unusable") bank_account_unverified = _("Bank account unverified") bitcoin_upgrade_required = _("Bitcoin upgrade required") card_declined = _("Card was declined") charge_already_captured = _("Charge already captured") charge_already_refunded = _("Charge already refunded") charge_disputed = _("Charge disputed") charge_exceeds_source_limit = _("Charge exceeds source limit") charge_expired_for_capture = _("Charge expired for capture") country_unsupported = _("Country unsupported") coupon_expired = _("Coupon expired") customer_max_subscriptions = _("Customer max subscriptions") email_invalid = _("Email invalid") expired_card = _("Expired card") idempotency_key_in_use = _("Idempotency key in use") incorrect_address = _("Incorrect address") incorrect_cvc = _("Incorrect security code") incorrect_number = _("Incorrect number") incorrect_zip = _("ZIP code failed validation") instant_payouts_unsupported = _("Instant payouts unsupported") invalid_card_type = _("Invalid card type") invalid_charge_amount = _("Invalid charge amount") invalid_cvc = _("Invalid security code") invalid_expiry_month = _("Invalid expiration month") invalid_expiry_year = _("Invalid expiration year") invalid_number = _("Invalid number") invalid_source_usage = _("Invalid source usage") invoice_no_customer_line_items = _("Invoice no customer line items") invoice_no_subscription_line_items = _("Invoice no subscription line items") invoice_not_editable = _("Invoice not editable") invoice_upcoming_none = _("Invoice upcoming none") livemode_mismatch = _("Livemode mismatch") missing = _("No card being charged") not_allowed_on_standard_account = _("Not allowed on standard account") order_creation_failed = _("Order creation failed") order_required_settings = _("Order required settings") order_status_invalid = _("Order status invalid") order_upstream_timeout = _("Order upstream timeout") out_of_inventory = _("Out of inventory") parameter_invalid_empty = _("Parameter invalid empty") parameter_invalid_integer = _("Parameter invalid integer") parameter_invalid_string_blank = _("Parameter invalid string blank") parameter_invalid_string_empty = _("Parameter invalid string empty") parameter_missing = _("Parameter missing") parameter_unknown = _("Parameter unknown") parameters_exclusive = _("Parameters exclusive") payment_intent_authentication_failure = _("Payment intent authentication failure") payment_intent_incompatible_payment_method = _( "Payment intent incompatible payment method" ) payment_intent_invalid_parameter = _("Payment intent invalid parameter") payment_intent_payment_attempt_failed = _("Payment intent payment attempt failed") payment_intent_unexpected_state = _("Payment intent unexpected state") payment_method_unactivated = _("Payment method unactivated") payment_method_unexpected_state = _("Payment method unexpected state") payouts_not_allowed = _("Payouts not allowed") platform_api_key_expired = _("Platform api key expired") postal_code_invalid = _("Postal code invalid") processing_error = _("Processing error") product_inactive = _("Product inactive") rate_limit = _("Rate limit") resource_already_exists = _("Resource already exists") resource_missing = _("Resource missing") routing_number_invalid = _("Routing number invalid") secret_key_required = _("Secret key required") sepa_unsupported_account = _("SEPA unsupported account") shipping_calculation_failed = _("Shipping calculation failed") sku_inactive = _("SKU inactive") state_unsupported = _("State unsupported") tax_id_invalid = _("Tax id invalid") taxes_calculation_failed = _("Taxes calculation failed") testmode_charges_only = _("Testmode charges only") tls_version_unsupported = _("TLS version unsupported") token_already_used = _("Token already used") token_in_use = _("Token in use") transfers_not_allowed = _("Transfers not allowed") upstream_order_creation_failed = _("Upstream order creation failed") url_invalid = _("URL invalid") # deprecated invalid_swipe_data = _("Invalid swipe data")
[docs]class AccountType(Enum): standard = _("Standard") express = _("Express") custom = _("Custom")
[docs]class BalanceTransactionStatus(Enum): available = _("Available") pending = _("Pending")
[docs]class BalanceTransactionType(Enum): adjustment = _("Adjustment") advance = _("Advance") advance_funding = _("Advance funding") application_fee = _("Application fee") application_fee_refund = _("Application fee refund") charge = _("Charge") connect_collection_transfer = _("Connect collection transfer") issuing_authorization_hold = _("Issuing authorization hold") issuing_authorization_release = _("Issuing authorization release") issuing_transaction = _("Issuing transaction") network_cost = _("Network cost") payment = _("Payment") payment_failure_refund = _("Payment failure refund") payment_refund = _("Payment refund") payout = _("Payout") payout_cancel = _("Payout cancellation") payout_failure = _("Payout failure") refund = _("Refund") refund_failure = _("Refund failure") reserve_transaction = _("Reserve transaction") reserved_funds = _("Reserved funds") stripe_fee = _("Stripe fee") stripe_fx_fee = _("Stripe fx fee") tax_fee = _("Tax fee") topup = _("Topup") topup_reversal = _("Topup reversal") transfer = _("Transfer") transfer_cancel = _("Transfer cancel") transfer_refund = _("Transfer refund") validation = _("Validation")
[docs]class BankAccountHolderType(Enum): individual = _("Individual") company = _("Company")
[docs]class BankAccountStatus(Enum): new = _("New") validated = _("Validated") verified = _("Verified") verification_failed = _("Verification failed") errored = _("Errored")
[docs]class BusinessType(Enum): individual = _("Individual") company = _("Company")
[docs]class CaptureMethod(Enum): automatic = _("Automatic") manual = _("Manual")
[docs]class CardCheckResult(Enum): pass_ = (_("Pass"), "pass") fail = _("Fail") unavailable = _("Unavailable") unchecked = _("Unchecked")
[docs]class CardBrand(Enum): AmericanExpress = (_("American Express"), "American Express") DinersClub = (_("Diners Club"), "Diners Club") Discover = _("Discover") JCB = _("JCB") MasterCard = _("MasterCard") UnionPay = _("UnionPay") Visa = _("Visa") Unknown = _("Unknown")
[docs]class CardFundingType(Enum): credit = _("Credit") debit = _("Debit") prepaid = _("Prepaid") unknown = _("Unknown")
[docs]class CardTokenizationMethod(Enum): apple_pay = _("Apple Pay") android_pay = _("Android Pay")
[docs]class ChargeStatus(Enum): succeeded = _("Succeeded") pending = _("Pending") failed = _("Failed")
[docs]class ConfirmationMethod(Enum): automatic = _("Automatic") manual = _("Manual")
[docs]class CouponDuration(Enum): once = _("Once") repeating = _("Multi-month") forever = _("Forever")
[docs]class CustomerTaxExempt(Enum): none = _("None") exempt = _("Exempt") reverse = _("Reverse")
[docs]class DisputeReason(Enum): duplicate = _("Duplicate") fraudulent = _("Fraudulent") subscription_canceled = _("Subscription canceled") product_unacceptable = _("Product unacceptable") product_not_received = _("Product not received") unrecognized = _("Unrecognized") credit_not_processed = _("Credit not processed") general = _("General") incorrect_account_details = _("Incorrect account details") insufficient_funds = _("Insufficient funds") bank_cannot_process = _("Bank cannot process") debit_not_authorized = _("Debit not authorized") customer_initiated = _("Customer-initiated")
[docs]class DisputeStatus(Enum): warning_needs_response = _("Warning needs response") warning_under_review = _("Warning under review") warning_closed = _("Warning closed") needs_response = _("Needs response") under_review = _("Under review") charge_refunded = _("Charge refunded") won = _("Won") lost = _("Lost")
[docs]class FileUploadPurpose(Enum): dispute_evidence = _("Dispute evidence") identity_document = _("Identity document") tax_document_user_upload = _("Tax document user upload")
[docs]class FileUploadType(Enum): pdf = _("PDF") jpg = _("JPG") png = _("PNG") csv = _("CSV") xls = _("XLS") xlsx = _("XLSX") docx = _("DOCX")
[docs]class InvoiceBilling(Enum): charge_automatically = _("Charge automatically") send_invoice = _("Send invoice")
[docs]class IntentUsage(Enum): on_session = _("On session") off_session = _("Off session")
[docs]class IntentStatus(Enum): """ Status of Intents which apply both to PaymentIntents and SetupIntents. """ requires_payment_method = _( "Intent created and requires a Payment Method to be attached." ) requires_confirmation = _("Intent is ready to be confirmed.") requires_action = _("Payment Method require additional action, such as 3D secure.") processing = _("Required actions have been handled.") canceled = _( "Cancellation invalidates the intent for future confirmation and " "cannot be undone." )
# TODO - maybe refactor Enum so that inheritance works, # then PaymentIntentStatus/SetupIntentStatus can inherit from IntentStatus
[docs]class PaymentIntentStatus(Enum): requires_payment_method = _( "Intent created and requires a Payment Method to be attached." ) requires_confirmation = _("Intent is ready to be confirmed.") requires_action = _("Payment Method require additional action, such as 3D secure.") processing = _("Required actions have been handled.") requires_capture = _("Capture the funds on the cards which have been put on holds.") canceled = _( "Cancellation invalidates the intent for future confirmation and " "cannot be undone." ) succeeded = _("The funds are in your account.")
[docs]class SetupIntentStatus(Enum): requires_payment_method = _( "Intent created and requires a Payment Method to be attached." ) requires_confirmation = _("Intent is ready to be confirmed.") requires_action = _("Payment Method require additional action, such as 3D secure.") processing = _("Required actions have been handled.") canceled = _( "Cancellation invalidates the intent for future confirmation and " "cannot be undone." ) succeeded = _( "Setup was successful and the payment method is optimized for future payments." )
[docs]class PayoutFailureCode(Enum): """ Payout failure error codes. """ account_closed = _("Bank account has been closed.") account_frozen = _("Bank account has been frozen.") bank_account_restricted = _("Bank account has restrictions on payouts allowed.") bank_ownership_changed = _("Destination bank account has changed ownership.") could_not_process = _("Bank could not process payout.") debit_not_authorized = _("Debit transactions not approved on the bank account.") insufficient_funds = _("Stripe account has insufficient funds.") invalid_account_number = _("Invalid account number") invalid_currency = _("Bank account does not support currency.") no_account = _("Bank account could not be located.") unsupported_card = _("Card no longer supported.")
[docs]class PayoutMethod(Enum): standard = _("Standard") instant = _("Instant")
[docs]class PayoutStatus(Enum): paid = _("Paid") pending = _("Pending") in_transit = _("In transit") canceled = _("Canceled") failed = _("Failed")
[docs]class PayoutType(Enum): bank_account = _("Bank account") card = _("Card")
class PaymentIntentCancellationReason(Enum): # see also SetupIntentCancellationReason # User provided reasons: duplicate = _("Duplicate") fraudulent = _("Fraudulent") abandoned = _("Abandoned") requested_by_customer = _("Requested by Customer") # Reasons generated by Stripe internally failed_invoice = _("Failed invoice") void_invoice = _("Void invoice") automatic = _("Automatic")
[docs]class PlanAggregateUsage(Enum): last_during_period = _("Last during period") last_ever = _("Last ever") max = _("Max") sum = _("Sum")
[docs]class PlanBillingScheme(Enum): per_unit = _("Per unit") tiered = _("Tiered")
[docs]class PlanInterval(Enum): day = _("Day") week = _("Week") month = _("Month") year = _("Year")
[docs]class PlanUsageType(Enum): metered = _("Metered") licensed = _("Licensed")
[docs]class PlanTiersMode(Enum): graduated = _("Graduated") volume = _("Volume-based")
[docs]class ProductType(Enum): good = _("Good") service = _("Service")
class SetupIntentCancellationReason(Enum): # see also PaymentIntentCancellationReason abandoned = _("Abandoned") requested_by_customer = _("Requested by Customer") duplicate = _("Duplicate")
[docs]class ScheduledQueryRunStatus(Enum): canceled = _("Canceled") failed = _("Failed") timed_out = _("Timed out")
[docs]class SourceFlow(Enum): redirect = _("Redirect") receiver = _("Receiver") code_verification = _("Code verification") none = _("None")
[docs]class SourceStatus(Enum): canceled = _("Canceled") chargeable = _("Chargeable") consumed = _("Consumed") failed = _("Failed") pending = _("Pending")
[docs]class SourceType(Enum): ach_credit_transfer = _("ACH Credit Transfer") ach_debit = _("ACH Debit") alipay = _("Alipay") bancontact = _("Bancontact") bitcoin = _("Bitcoin") card = _("Card") card_present = _("Card present") eps = _("EPS") giropay = _("Giropay") ideal = _("iDEAL") p24 = _("P24") paper_check = _("Paper check") sepa_debit = _("SEPA Direct Debit") sepa_credit_transfer = _("SEPA credit transfer") sofort = _("SOFORT") three_d_secure = _("3D Secure")
[docs]class LegacySourceType(Enum): card = _("Card") bank_account = _("Bank account") bitcoin_receiver = _("Bitcoin receiver") alipay_account = _("Alipay account")
[docs]class RefundFailureReason(Enum): lost_or_stolen_card = _("Lost or stolen card") expired_or_canceled_card = _("Expired or canceled card") unknown = _("Unknown")
[docs]class RefundReason(Enum): duplicate = _("Duplicate charge") fraudulent = _("Fraudulent") requested_by_customer = _("Requested by customer")
[docs]class RefundStatus(Enum): pending = _("Pending") succeeded = _("Succeeded") failed = _("Failed") canceled = _("Canceled")
class SessionBillingAddressCollection(Enum): auto = _("Auto") required = _("Required") class SessionMode(Enum): payment = _("Payment") setup = _("Setup") subscription = _("Subscription")
[docs]class SourceUsage(Enum): reusable = _("Reusable") single_use = _("Single-use")
[docs]class SourceCodeVerificationStatus(Enum): pending = _("Pending") succeeded = _("Succeeded") failed = _("Failed")
[docs]class SourceRedirectFailureReason(Enum): user_abort = _("User-aborted") declined = _("Declined") processing_error = _("Processing error")
[docs]class SourceRedirectStatus(Enum): pending = _("Pending") succeeded = _("Succeeded") not_required = _("Not required") failed = _("Failed")
[docs]class SubmitTypeStatus(Enum): auto = _("Auto") book = _("Book") donate = _("donate") pay = _("pay")
[docs]class SubscriptionStatus(Enum): incomplete = _("Incomplete") incomplete_expired = _("Incomplete Expired") trialing = _("Trialing") active = _("Active") past_due = _("Past due") canceled = _("Canceled") unpaid = _("Unpaid")
class DjstripePaymentMethodType(Enum): """ A djstripe-specific enum for the DjStripePaymentMethod model. """ card = _("Card") bank_account = _("Bank account") source = _("Source") # Alias (Deprecated, remove in 2.2.0) PaymentMethodType = DjstripePaymentMethodType